Boulder is a beautiful town, nestled between the Flatirons and what sprawls through the valley beyond. In these parts, the opportunity for jaw-dropping pictures abounds.
First — if you have a great picture you’ve snapped from your time out and about in Boulder, post it to our Facebook page! We’ll be happy to share your view of all the awesome that is Boulder with our friends and fans.
Secondly, while on the hunt for the next picture-perfect Boulder moment, why not have a look at what other Boulder-based shutterbugs are capturing around the web? Here are a few sites to stop by, support, and burn a few minutes when you need a break in your day.
Seriously — look at these pictures. Every day, there’s a new view from out and about in Boulder. They have a great Instagram feed, too. Dang-a-lang, there are some gorgeous shots in here.
National Geographic Traveler – Boulder
I had no idea that this travel industry icon knew that Boulder existed. They have some sweet shots of life around town for you to flip through.
City of Boulder Photo Galleries
Did you know these existed? I didn’t. Have a look at the specialty photo galleries — especially the one from the grand opening of the Pearl Street Mall back in 1977.
They’re an incredible around-town sponsor of some of the city’s coolest events. They capture many of them on film, too. You can even email them for permission to use their images (information’s right on the page).
Here, you can find some neat traveler-submitted shots of places and things out and around Boulder. The fly fishing sure does look fun!
And have we missed a gallery or photo collection of Boulder photos you love? Leave a link in the comments section so our readers can catch a look at your favorites.