OK, parents, let’s talk about trick-or-treating. For your kids, there’s a month-long build up that begins with deciding what they want to be for Halloween and ends with piles of candy, dumped out of their initial collection bag and spread across the floor as your kids tally their haul like some sort of candy millionaire.
But right before that haul comes the hour or two of walking up and down the street with your kids while they ring doorbells and collect goodies. Sometimes you’re given the job of courage booster when a house’s decorations are a little too scary, but mostly you just hang back and let the kiddos do their thing.
Be honest. It can get a little tedious at times, right? I know of more than one parent that packs a trick-or-treating “water” bottle for the evening.
Wouldn’t it be great it you could go trick or treating somewhere that’s fun for both adults and kids?
You’re in luck then, because Downtown Boulder’s Munchkin Masquerade does just that!
On October 31 from 3 to 6 p.m., the Pearl Street Mall transforms into a trick-or-treating dream, with tons of businesses up and down the main drag participating.
Over 60 businesses participate in the Munchkin Masquerade! That’s probably twice the haul your kids would get walking half the distance. Plus, some of those treat stops also happen to be breweries, wine stores, and restaurants, so you can take an adult break from time to time to enjoy some grown up “trick-or-treating” in businesses like West Flanders, the West End Wine Shop, and the Mountain Sun.
In addition to candy handouts at regular intervals, some of the businesses are offering bonus goodies:
- Eureka!: Chance to win a gift card
- POSH Splat: Face painting
- Nature’s Own: Spin to win a prize
- Red Fox Outdoor Equipment: Allergen-free treat available
- Kilwins: Fresh popcorn and coupons
- El Loro: Handing out specialty rocks and you can get your picture taken with a pumpkin
- Momentum: Hot cocoa and Halloween history
- Bliss: 10% off for anyone in costume
- Ramble on Pearl: Spooky games
Check out the listing on the Downtown Boulder site to get a full list of all the participating businesses and have a Happy Halloween!