About this business
My passion for photography started in grade school, I was never without a disposable camera (I still have every photo I have ever taken, send help!). I eventually upgraded to a DSLR in my early twenties and well here I am.
I was born in Minnesota and grew up in Arizona. I now live exactly in-between both states and feel more at home than ever.
I travel half of the year (mostly solo) for fun. My biggest regret would be to live a life without seeing this lovely planet of ours.
If I could be anyone, I would be a rock star on stage screaming my lungs out to thousands of people in a crowd. For now I shall continue my screams in my car.
I am easily excited. Good food. Little or big experiences. Beautiful scenery. If I like something I won't stop commenting on how wonderful it is.
I get goose bumps ALL THE time when I hear a beautiful voice singing or listen to someone tell me a touching story.
Growing up I was the fat girl and kids were mean. I don't tolerate hatred from anyone and will stand up for a stranger when necessary. Every human deserves compassion and understanding.
I have my bachelors degree in Website Design, but while getting my degree I became overtaken by photography and quit my 9-5.
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