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Discovering what narcissistic abuse is the beginning of a hellish journey
Most victims knew the relationship was toxic but had no words to describe it. No matter where you are in this recovery process I know having someone that ‘gets' it is priceless. I have been where you are, and I have made it to the other side. Let me guide you to the answers you specifically need to move on. If you do the work, a better life is waiting for you. I have helped thousands of survivors understand relationship issues, a family of origin narcissistic parents or siblings, co-workers and the betrayal of narcissistic friends.
Visit my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/tracyamalone for videos on identifying narcissistic behaviors and healing after this type of abuse. My website has resources to help you find support, therapists, support groups, https://narcissistabusesupport.com/ We also have a facebook group you can join to start getting support right now, we have over 8000 members from all over the world - https://www.facebook.com/groups/getnarcissistAbuseSupport.
I specialize in helping people get through a divorce with a narcissist and I can coach you on what to expect and what things mean along the way. Narcissistic abuse is not just female victims, lots of men are abused too so know that you will be ok and give me a call to see how I can help you. If you are in the Boulder Area I have two support groups that meet once a month each - Boulder and Arvada. Finding community right now will save your life ??

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