This week, students are rolling onto campus and moving into dorms. Not only does this serve as fair warning for the good citizens of Boulder to avoid the likes of places like Target during the pre-semester rush — it’s also fair warning to incoming students.
Your options for lighting up on campus are severely curtailed for the coming school year.
In February of this year, the CU Chancellor signed a smoking ban into effect. This made CU-Boulder join over 1100 other campuses in the nation with smoking bans. It also made CU the second school in the Pac-12 to go smoke-free.
So what’s the rub? If you’re busting out of mom and dad’s house and want to light up, do you have options? Indeed you do. Across campus, you’ll find (or maybe not) 25 designated smoking areas. These are for students and campus visitors alike (now’s a fine time to tell your parents).
But you’ve gotta hand it to CU — if they’re going to institute a smoking ban on campus, at least they’re willing to help you kick the habit. They’ve posted No Smoking signs across campus and are now offering smoking cessation classes and other individual and group resources for those ready to kick the habit. (Bravo, CU.)
So, as you bring that haul of melamine plates and recycled paper towels into your new digs for fall, you might want to consider something other than a cigarette when you take that much-needed break. And if you’re so inclined, you can dive into the school’s smoking ban lungs-first — the entire policy is posted for review on the CU website.