Ever been curious about what you’re putting into your mouth? Boulder is a food-conscious town and I’d venture to guess that the amount of organic food consumed here puts most other U.S. cities to shame. If you’re curious about the food system, there’s an event at Boulder Book Store that you won’t want to miss this evening.
Tonight at 7:30pm, join authors Michael Booth and Jennifer Brown as they discuss their new book, “Eating Dangerously – why the government can’t keep your food safe, and how you can.” From the Boulder Book Store website, here are the details of this evening’s event:
Americans are afraid of their food. And for good reason. In 2011, the deadliest food-borne illness outbreak in a century delivered killer listeria bacteria on cantaloupe never before suspected of carrying that pathogen. Nearly 50 million Americans will get food poisoning this year. We assume our government will protect our food, but how often do major U.S. food farms get inspected by federal or state officials? Never. Eating Dangerously sheds light on the growing problem and introduces readers to the immediate dangers inherent in our food system.
Tonight’s event is a voucher event, which means your $5 ticket at the door can be used for $5 off the authors’ book if purchased that evening. Vouchers can also be used towards another purchase made the same evening. This could make for a fantastic event for school-age children and go well beyond what’s going to be learned in schools about the food supply system and being conscious about what foods are consumed and their sources. I’m betting attendees will also learn some key food safety tips that can be put into action immediately.
Vouchers can be purchase in advance at the Boulder Book Store or via phone. Details below.
Time: 7:30PM
Date: Tuesday — June 24, 2014
Location: Boulder Book Store – 1107 Pearl St.
Cost: $5
Phone: 303-447-2074