tedxboulder - boulder events

Where do you go when you need inspiration? Events in Boulder range from outdoor sports and live music to others that will have your mind churning with new ideas.

TEDxBoulder began in 2012 and is now the world’s largest independently organized TED event. It’s even bigger attendance-wise that the annual TED conference itself. If you’re looking for an evening to spark inspiration and open your mind to new ideas, you could do worse (can you say Honey Boo Boo worse?) than grabbing a ticket to the annual TEDxBoulder.

If you’ve never seen a TED-style talk, we invite you to hop over to TED.com. Whatever your fancy, you can search for talks on that topic and wrap yourself up intellectually for 18 minutes at a time. The talks are short, sweet, and to the point. They’re devoid of ego and rich with knowledge — which is probably why TED’s slogan is “ideas worth spreading.” Presenters are never paid to speak and the opportunity is 100% a volunteer activity. Each TEDx is an independently organized event held under the TED banner and held all around the world. Each year, Boulder assembles everyone from rowdy astronomers and venture capitalists to local business personalities and musical talents to create an evening of talks lasting from 6 to 18 minutes each designed to enrich your mind and make you leave thinking.

TEDxBoulder is generally held in the fall months and the lineup is announced in roughly June or July of that year. When tickets go on sale, be sure to grab yours without delay as the event sells out every year. In 2012, the event was held at the Macky Auditorium on the campus of the University of Colorado – Boulder, and boasted a sold-out crowd of 1200 people!

If you’d like to take a stroll through some amazing TEDxBoulder talks from previous years, click here. You’ll be taken to a YouTube search that shows you just how diverse the talks are and you can watch whichever ones tickle your fancy. But when you decide to attend a TEDxBoulder event, there are a few things that are certain:

  1. You’ll feel the pulse of the incredible Boulder community that comes together to produce this event.
  2. You’ll meet several new friends.
  3. You’ll hear new ideas.
  4. You’ll laugh, smile, gasp, and maybe cry a bit.
  5. You’ll think differently about something (no doubt).
  6. Your life will never be the same again.

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Picture of Erika Napoletano

Erika Napoletano

Erika Napoletano is a speaker, columnist, author and branding consultant at Boulder-based RHW Media - a firm dedicated to getting people UNstuck and over those annoying problems that keep them from being awesome. Learn more about her at erikanapoletano.com.
Picture of Erika Napoletano

Erika Napoletano

Erika Napoletano is a speaker, columnist, author and branding consultant at Boulder-based RHW Media - a firm dedicated to getting people UNstuck and over those annoying problems that keep them from being awesome. Learn more about her at erikanapoletano.com.

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