Here at Your Boulder, we do a pretty good job of covering events and the big issues facing the city as a whole. But we know we can do better.
Wanna be a part of Your Boulder doing better? We thought you might!
Your Boulder is looking for regular contributors for the site. Hey, that just might be you.
Here are topics we’re hoping some of our Boulder local friends can help cover:
- MMJ and Recreational Marijuana: Do you work in the industry? Can you help keep Boulderites and visitors in the loop on weed?
- Local Music: In a band and love the local music scene or just a coffee shop jam enthusiast?
- Local Politics: No, we’re not looking for op/ed. We’re looking for folks who can share both sides of pressing issues with Boulderites who need to be in the know.
- Outdoors: Hike like a crazy person? Avid mountain biker? Know the Reservoir like nobody’s business? Share what you know with Boulder so they can live what you already love.
- LGBTQ and Racial Diversity: We’re always looking for voices of diversity here on the site. Share yours. Open eyes and hearts in the process.
- Local Sports: Deep in the cycling or Xterra culture? Know something others don’t as an active insider? Let us know!
And if there’s a topic we missed, just pitch us!
Here’s how to share your knowledge with us:
- Use our contact form.
- Tell us: (a) the topic you’d like to write about, (b) why you’re the expert in-the-know to write about it, and (c) links to anything you’ve written on the topic.
- Yup. That’s it!
We look forward to hearing from you so we can make your Boulder… a part of Your Boulder. Oh — and we do pay our contributors. It’s not a princely sum, but it’ll cover a nice lunch or keep you in coffee for a week at your favorite local purveyor!