Four years. Five years. However long you’ve spent pursing this step of your higher education in Boulder, today’s the day.
You’re ready. For what’s next, beyond, just beginning. You’ve called Boulder home and we want you to know that your home appreciates you.
As you walk down that aisle today to grab that diploma, the entire city of Boulder thanks you. Many of you have worked here, weaving yourselves into the local economy. You’ve gotten to know the trails, twists, and turns that surround Boulder, from bike paths to hiking routes. You’ve seen the sun rise over the reservoir and set behind the Flatirons. Every piece of scenery here has gven you the backdrop for an amazing life ahead.
College is just the beginning.
Every Boulder small business owner thanks you for raising a glass, buying a bagel, clinking a coffee cup, and biting into a sandwich. They all know that you didn’t have to choose CU Boulder, but you did. They also thank your parents. Your family. Their support provided the foundation for today’s commencement, and maybe it wasn’t without its disagreements along the way. From majors to spending cash, book costs to that second bike that got stolen — you all hung in their and today, on a bright Colorado day, you’re claiming your reward.
Some of you will stay to call Boulder home. Many will go on to graduate degrees the world over, finding your niche and making the world a better place well beyond the borders of Boulder County.
What Your Boulder wants you to know is this: we’re glad you’re here. Today, yesterday, tomorrow, and however long you choose to make Boulder your home. Sure — it’s 25 square miles “surrounded by reality,” but we happen to like our reality here just fine. Let the ones who call us hippies have their say. Let the ones who say Boulder has no culture have their opinions. Because you know — and we know — that Boulder, while small, is pretty damn great.
And today is all about you, grads. So fling that cap up into the air. Grab a local brew to celebrate (since you’re older than you were when you arrived). Try not to get smashed and if you do, call a cab or catch the bus because we want you around for tomorrow and the next day instead of making the headlines on the Daily Camera for a story gone wrong.
And most of all, cheers. Happy holidays. Happy graduation. Boulder thanks you for being the part of the reason our 25 square miles is filled with awesome.