About this business

Welcome to Be Center in Boulder, Colorado.

We are a center offering Therapeutic Yoga Practice. We provide a safe, tranquil and supportive environment to explore and discover what is arising in your body and mind. We create a space where individuals can open to the possibilities of what can be.

Here you can greet your subtle body. When we discover, engage, and move with the natural rhythms and intelligence of our bodies, we begin to feel connected to our vitality, we come to peace and our mind quiets. This is an invitation, a beckoning into awareness.

Knowing that each individual is unique and not just one approach fits all, we celebrate the uniqueness of each student. Be Center was created to support rich inquiry into the relationship of body and mind.

The Floorspace studio is a beautiful and serene center in north Boulder where yoga and other movement arts are taught with heart, creativity, and clarity.

De West's Therapeutic Yoga Practice classes emphasize the internal practices; the dynamic interplay of focused awareness and receptive action supported by breath. We explore the brilliance of outer form while awakening the life force that nourishes deep layers and inner presence that reveals silence. We take great care to support individualized and healthy practices and encourage students to pay close attention to what is right for them. Frequent referrals from the medical community underscore our reputation. We invite you to join us for this exploration.

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