About this business

I started my journey in 1988 teaching "Aerobics" at Miami University (Oxford, OH) while earning a B.S. in Health Education.  After a period of teaching health k-12, in 1993 I began my career as a personal trainer acquiring certifications like a girl scout earning badges!  During my first decade, I'd become a trainer for the YMCA, a company called First Fitness, a tester for the American College of Sports Medicine, a lecturer for IDEA, an author of modules for newly certified trainers for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) all while training my own group of clients.

Today I train individuals, groups of all ages, and lead outdoor fitness adventures for women. I write customized exercise programs with gradual progression integrated into training sessions. This allows clients to improve overall performance while managing their limiting factors.

You may not be an elite athlete. You have responsibilities, both personal and professional, that make multiple demands on your time. That doesn't mean that you don't have athletic goals and a desire to improve. I'm here to teach you how to train your body to be the most healthy, strong, and efficient vehicle possible.

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